Category Archives: Florence + The Machine

“The Drumming Song”- Florence + The Machine

Sorry for the lack of post in the last few days. I have been busy moving back to school! I just got moved into my room and spent the majority of the day unpacking. Of course I listened to some great music as I was unpacking and “decorating” my room with an eclectic collection of posters and trinkets. Yes, many of them are music oriented. What can I say, I am obsessed.

Speaking of obsessions, I am obsessed with this song and video.

Before this last week, I really had only heard Florence and The Machine’s “The Dogs Days Are Over.” But I soon realized how much I was missing. Florence Welch’s voice is so powerful, almost reminiscent of Adele. Thus her first album Lungs is appropriately named. And she makes some of the most beautiful music videos. The costumes and choreography in”The Drumming Song” video are amazing. I wish I could dance half as well as her. And her hair. It just makes me want to dye mine. But I must resist since I would end up looking even more ridiculous than I do now.

I am very excited to hear more from this group. Welch and her band has a lot of talent, creativity, and a freshness that the music industry needs.

GOSSIP ALERT (Mostly just to narcissistically link back to one of my earlier posts): Little Boots and Florence shared a kiss back in 2009 at a awards show after party. Florence states she is straight (and has a boyfriend), but occasionally likes to kiss other girls and sees nothing wrong with people liking/loving who they do. Way to have an open mind!



Filed under Florence + The Machine, Indie, Pop